• Achieving a balance between the various modes of transport and setting regulations for realizing that balance, with special attention to multimodal transport, especially seaports, railways and river transport.
  • Sustaining the vital role of maritime transport, as Egyptian seaports are the country’s economic lifeline, due to their correlation with foreign trade, as they dominate the majority of cargo transport activities.
  • Enhancing the role of the private sector in participating in the upgrading of the transport system, offering facilities and services that enables it to play its role by investing or participating in transport sector projects in general.
  • Bolstering human resources through the development of training and motivation programs, especially for professional cadres working in the Ministry of Transport.
  • Updating legislation and setting up organizational regulations that guarantee freedom of competitivity in providing transportation services.
  • Defining environmental objectives that bolster sustainable development of transport, particularly with regard to reducing all types of pollution, especially marine and river pollution.

– The Ministry of Transport has implemented an ambitious strategy based on applying the concept of sustainable development in accordance with Egypt’s Vision 2030 by providing and integrating efficient and high-quality transport networks with the purpose of fulfilling development requirements in all its economic and social dimensions, and establishing major national projects in all fields, especially in the field of enhancing the maritime transport industry, given that it is one of the most important elements of the supply chain, as the improvement process takes place in six main elements in parallel :

  • Commercial / specialized Ports
  • Upgrading the Egyptian Merchant Marine Fleet
  • Logistics activities and services
  • Road networks, railways and river ports
  • Enhancing the capabilities of the human element
  • Legislative Structure

 – Ports Enhancement Plan is commensurate with the global criterions of maritime transport, global trade, modern generations of vessels and modern equipment, as the Master Plan for all Egyptian seaports is updated based on exploiting the competitive advantage of each port, achieving integration between them and linking each port to the logistical and industrial hinterland adjacent to it, developing the current berths, and deepening the shipping lanes to receive modern generation vessels “Mega Vessels”.

– Sea ports are the principal element in the maritime transport industry, as nearly 90% of Egypt’s foreign trade is transported through seaports, which necessitates development, modernization, and raising their efficiency on a regular basis, in line with the continuous global developments and the increase in the volume of handled cargoes.

– The enhancement of seaports is not limited to the development of infrastructure only, but extends to include the information infrastructure, the automation of procedures throughout Port Authorities, and linking all operating devices within the port community in a single system to activate the single-window system to facilitate procedures for port customers linking ports to the logistical centers allover Egypt.

  1. Achieving integration between Egyptian ports by developing an integrated plan that includes an investment map for the Egyptian ports.
  2. Completing the geographical coverage of Egypt with maritime transport services in order to boost comprehensive development.
  3. Establishing and developing the infrastructure and superstructure of seaports in accordance with market economies and international standards.
  4. Linking Egyptian ports to investment areas by exploiting the national network of roads and other means of transportation in an integrated vision.
  5. Transforming Egypt into a global hub for energy, trade and logistics at the regional, African and global levels.
  6. Rehabilitation and enhancement of human resources capabilities.
  7. Developing the legislative structure in line with local and global developments and keeping pace with international treaties and commitments.
  8. Securing seaports.
  9. Exerting due efforts to raise the international environmental classification of Egyptian seaports as green ports to achieve environmental sustainability.
  10. Developing and reinforcing the Egyptian merchant marine fleet, enabling it to transport 25% of Egypt’s foreign trade volume.
  11. Bolstering the intensification of marine tourism.

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