Maritime Transport & Logistics Sector Competencies
According to Transport Minister Decree No. 754 of 2023
(Article 1)
The Maritime Transport & Logistics Sector (MTLS) aims to meet the demands of the national economy with regard to the maritime transport industry, and to strive endeavor to enhance and develop Maritime Transport through devising plans that ensure the amelioration of its efficiency and performance to keep pace with global developments.
(Article 2)
The Maritime Transport & Logistics Sector is affiliated to the Minister of Transport in accordance with the organizational structure chart of the Ministry of Transport. (Attached herewith)
(Article 3)
The Maritime Transport & Logistics Sector is entrusted with the following:
- Devising the necessary proposals to create the general policy with the aim of enhancing The Maritime Transport Industry, and henceforth to be presented to the Minister of Transport as a preliminary step towards presenting them to the Ports and Logistics Supreme Council within the framework of the set objectives.
The Maritime Transport & Logistics Sector also participates in developing proposals regarding the update and simplification of all work regulations as well as their means of application in a manner that ensures their adaptation to the latest status quo, taking into account the factors of flexibility, productivity and motivation, in coordination with the competent authorities. - Monitoring, reviewing and following up on the compliance with Maritime Safety and Environmental Protection Standards, in line with global advancements within the framework of Egypt’s sustainable development and its future vision, reviewing them, and evaluating the implementation thereof.
- Participation in drafting the Ministry of Transport’s Plan on “Improving the Level of Logistical Integration in Egyptian Ports” in coordination with the relevant authorities, following up on its implementation, and evaluating the implementation thereof, as a preliminary step towards presenting the end results to the Ports and Logistics Supreme Council.
- Participation in broaching proposals to attract local and foreign investments, enhance private sector participation in port activities and projects, as well as offering marketing plans propositions for seaports, investment projects, and value-added projects to attract investments.
- Participation in the implementation to Digital Transformation Activation Projects throughout the Maritime Transport Industry systems in an effort to develop the necessary plans to train and enhance the efficiency of technical and administrative personnel, in coordination with the relevant authorities, in a manner that ensures the rapid exchange of data and information, for decision-making assistance, monitor performance, follow up on the implementation thereof with the competent authorities, and evaluate the results.
- Participation in devising frameworks and guidelines to update management and operating schemes in the Maritime Transport System to keep pace with recent developments in the Maritime Transport Industry, follow up on implementation, evaluate results, propose mechanisms to address shortcomings to be presented to the Minister of Transport as a preliminary step towards presenting them to the Ports and Logistics Supreme Council.
- The endorsement of security plans drawn for ports, port facilities, and vessels in accordance with the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS CODE) after the approval of the relevant sovereign and security authorities, without prejudice to the full and absolute State sovereignty over national territorial waters and the national regulations for the security of ports and vessels.
- Deliberating international treaties and agreements in the field of maritime transport, maritime safety, and maritime labor in coordination with the relevant authorities, as well as representing Egypt in international organizations and forums.
- Development of proposals with regards to the Training Policy for personnel working the Maritime Transport System to create efficient cadres offering their professional services in various activities. The follow up on the implementation of training plans and evaluating there results thereof. The MTSL is responsible as well for nominating delegated missions and scholars appointed for granted scholarships in coordination with the relevant authorities.
- The formulation of a policy with the purpose of qualifying and enhancing the efficiency of specialized maritime labor employed in the field of maritime transport in a manner that keeps pace with cutting-edge technical developments and presenting the proposed documents to the Minister of Transport pending H.E‘s resolutions.
- Developing proposals to expand the Egyptian commercial maritime fleet, considering the operation of ships and shipping lines to serve trade overseas, and fostering shipbuilding and repair industry, using the current and future capabilities of the Egyptian Naval Arsenals and the Marine Industries and Services Organization “MIASO” affiliated with the Ministry of Defense, and subsequently submit the concluded output to H.E the Minister of Transport for review and decision-making.
- Conducting technical analyses of all types of maritime accidents of ships, including the ship’s operating crew, as well as monitoring the procedures undertaken for applying preventive measures in order to avoid the future recurrence of such accidents, in coordination with the relevant authorities, and presenting the results to the Minister of Transport without prejudice to the laws and decrees governing Suez Canal Authority.
- Establishing the basis for pricing services provided by seaports on economic bases that boost competitiveness with neighboring ports in the region, and submitting the accomplished outcome to the Supreme Council of Ports for endorsement.
- Proposing the terms and conditions for practicing maritime transport activities, and related works, and those newly introduced in ports, in coordination with the relevant authorities.
- Effecting the Minister of Transport’s mandates regarding setting guidelines for the terms of “Concession Contracts” for projects founded within ports or in the hinterland of the ports affiliated with the Ministry of Transport within the framework of governing laws, and monitoring the implementation of the contracts.
- Granting, renewing, and canceling of licenses and issuing approvals to practice the following activities in accordance with the governing laws upon the approval of H.E the Minister of Transport and:
- The Establishment, operation, management, and utilization of specialized ports under the MTSL supervision to ensure their sustained aptness for operation in terms of safety and environmental preservation, in coordination with the Ministry of Defense and the relevant authorities.
- Granting, renewal, and cancelation of Maritime Shipping Agency licenses.
- Dumping dredging residues and similar substances in coordination with the relevant authorities.
- Practicing commercial diving activities.
- Marine anchors, walkways, and scaffolding on the Egyptian coasts in coordination with the relevant authorities.
- Issuing the necessary approvals to organize and maximize yacht tourism in Egypt, whether related to the arrival and departure of yachts, or establishing, managing, and operating tourist marinas within the framework of implementing the State policy to maximize and encourage yacht tourism in Egypt in coordination with the relevant authorities.
- Maritime Transport Activities (passengers / cargo) on the High-Seas for regular shipping lines.
- Coastal Maritime Transport Activities between ports.
- The establishment, enhancement, and conducting follow ups on the operation of ship tracking systems in coordination with the Egyptian Port Authorities, and the Egyptian Authority for Maritime Safety in coordination with the relevant authorities.
- Monitoring the quality of services provided by ports and entities operating in the Maritime Transport System, to ensure keeping pace with the constant progress occurring in the fields of maritime transport, port management. The MTLS also conducts port performance evaluation by comparison with international indicators and standards, in coordination with Port Authorities and Port Sector at the General Authority for the Suez Canal Economic Zone.
- Development of the necessary proposals pertinent to raising operational efficiency, and stirring future development opportunities with the aim of attaining global performance rates, achieving full utilization of available resources, and increasing the competitiveness of ports which subsequently maximizes the economic return of the State. The performance evaluation results and upgrading proposals are annually presented to the Minister of Transport to take necessary decisions, in a preliminary step for presenting them to the Supreme Council for Ports and Logistics.
- Development plans and schedules for establishing and upgrading international seafarers’ clubs, following up on the implementation thereof, and supervising their operation.
- Supervision over the Maritime Transport Chambers.
- Development of proposals on refining the legislative, procedural and institutional structure in coordination with the relevant authorities in order to create a favorable business climate in the field of maritime transport and logistics industry, ports and maritime safety, in line with local and global progress, keeping pace with international treaties and obligations, taking the necessary measures and procedures to enforcing them. Relevant proposals are to be presented to the Minister of Transport a preliminary step for presenting them to the Supreme Council of Ports.
- The Maritime Transport & Logistics Sector shall be the Media interface for the Maritime Transport System affiliated with the Ministry of Transport.
- 24. The Maritime Transport & Logistics Sector shall assist the Minister of Transport in following up on maritime transport affairs, supervising all public commercial seaports, specialized ports affiliated with the Minister of Transport, dry and land ports, the Egyptian Authority for Maritime Safety, and companies operating maritime activities where the State has its contribution, in coordination with entities to which these companies are affiliated.
For More Detailes:
According to Transport Minister Decree No. 754 of 2023
- MTS Objectives
- Vision and mission
- Specializations of the Maritime Transport & Logistics Sector
- Definitions
- Maritime transport Entities
- Egypt’s Port Development Strategy 2030
- Achievement Reports
- Studies From 2017 to 2023
- Market study for the establishment of a second container terminal in Damietta Port
- A comparative study on The Competition of East Port Said Port with Ports in the Eastern Mediterranean
- A Study on The prospects of Facilitating Cargo Traffic Between Egypt and African Countries Using Maritime Transport
- A Study on The Environmental Impact of Establishing a New Breakwater West of Damietta Port & Raising the Efficiency and Upgrading The Eastern Breakwater of Damietta Port
- A Study on Sedimentation Tendencies in Damietta Port
- A Study on The Extreme Conditions of Waves & Their Impact on the Design of Breakwaters
- Study of developing the Egyptian commercial fleet to serve Egypt’s foreign trade within the framework of Egypt’s Vision 2030
- Study of converting Egyptian commercial ports into logistical ports, “Final Report”
- Studying to measures to confront the international challenges facing the transportation and logistics sector