Egyptian seaports authorities’ strategy has made accredited emergency plans and plans for hazardous and non- hazardous solid and liquid wastes management. Also Alex port authority and Damietta port authority have got the international specifications ISO 45001/2018 for occupational health and safety management, in addition to establishment of terminals to receive all kind of pollutants.
Also Damietta port authority have implemented many procedures for limiting pollutants in a practical scientific way for wastes management and reduction of emissions and other environment pollutants in general. And the importance of establishing wastes burners approved from environment entity. Also improving air quality by providing pollutants rates measuring devices in the port and increasing green areas. Also international convention for gas emissions reduction has been implemented and according to IMO conditions for importing and usage of maritime fuel with0.5% of sulphur and reducing thermal emissions then connecting electricity to vessels off shore to reduce hazardous gas emissions resulting from vessels’ operation in accordance with annex six of Marpol convention 73/78 also feeding electric network at port through relaying on solar energy.
And within the framework of developing and updating the working environment inside the seaports and converting them to smart ports, Alex port authority has activated the first Egyptian system (AIS/GIS)for pursuing vessels traffic and maritime casualties and maritime units management on interactive maps that contains all details and database of Alex port authority and also all what is related to geographic pursuance systems as from July 2021, also the authority has activated booking trucks online on Customs releases and documents that predicts the purpose from the existence of trucks inside port which has eliminated the phenomenon of the existence of trucks inside the port without work.
Also info infra-structure network has been implemented at West Port Said Port Said for electronic linkage with port’s community, also E-portals for the port have been established to acknowledge the trucks and cars and for electronic pre- payment to reduce waiting period also Egyptian safety authority has mechanized documents by E- archive usage that suites the authority working volume to reduce time and effort. Also it has provided with many E- services for the public through its site on the internet, most important of which electronic payment to facilitate for the dealers with the authority.
Also Damietta port authority has activated electronic operational system for Damietta cargo and container handling company and activating the discarded and obsolete system to monitor its E movement, also activating electronic recognition system for trucks and equipment; and integration with the port’s community through a single window, system of exchange and adding for all stores types and monitoring them , and integration between ministries and governmental entities through G2G at ministry of communication and information technology.