longitude29o 49′ E
latitude31o 08′ N
Port Data
Port ID Number (ISPS Code)17350
Approval Date17/06/2004
Time Zone+2 GMT
VHF13 16 11 9
Natural Characteristics
WeatherPrevailing winds are North West 2-3 Beaufort (in summer), 3-4 Beaufort (in winter)
Water Density1.030 g/cm3
Raining SeasonWinter
Tidal range and flow0.46 m.


It is considered a natural extension of Alexandria Port. Work has started at Dekheila Port since 1980, and its use has been phased since 1986, when the metal berth (berth 90) began operating. The port occupies the former site of the air port of the Dekheila Air Base, west of Alexandria port, about 7 km by sea and about 10 km by land.

The site has the following characteristics:

  • A bay with great depths on the sea side, which reduces the cost of cleaning, in addition to the fact that the northern side of it represents a shallow site and several small islands that contribute to the low cost of the barrier when it is established.
  • A semi-sand area, which constitutes a saving in the cost of backfilling and buildings.
  • Ease of connection with national roads (Alexandria/Cairo Desert Road) and railways.
  • The site is close to the Dekheila steel complex, the free zone and the West Alexandria power plant project, which saves the cost of transporting the required raw materials.
  • The presence of a network of railways, which facilitates the transportation of goods for foreign trade.
  • The floor space is sufficient for the port's future phases and allows for the establishment of a logistics area.

Port data:

Total Area6.24 sq.Km.
Water Area2.74 sq.Km.
Land Area3.50 sq.Km.

Maximum Capacity 27.1 million ton/year:

  • General Cargo: 8.1 million ton.
  • Bulk: 3.4 million ton
  • Containerized Cargo: 10 million ton
  • TEU Capacity: 1000000
  • Max. Ship Size: 168000 GRT
  • Working Hours: 24 hr. (scheduled time)

Navigation Channels:

1.5 mile length, 250 m. width, 20 m. depth.

Turning Circle:

750 m. diameters, 20 m. depth for vessel maneuvering.

Approach Area:

Main breakwater To protect the port from the prevailing waves progressing from the North West 2250 m. long. The breakwater extends from Agamy throughout the existing natural islands, and consists of concrete – reinforced stones. The breakwater Chart datum varies from 2.77 m. to 5.8 m., reaches a depth between 10, 14 and the side sloping is 2 : 1.


Pilotage Clause (The pilotage fee is determined in the pilotage areas in ports in accordance with Law No. 24 of 1983 and the amendment of categories by Ministerial Resolution No. 488 of 2015. Only exemptions are applied by Law No. 24 of 1983, Article 22.


Towing (train operations are not mandatory for tonnage from zero to 999 tons, and its request is based on the request of the ship’s captain, and tonnages of 1000 tons or more require the availability of tugboats for the total ship load).

A list of tugboats and auxiliary marine units:

Technical Condition No. of units Marine units No.
(18) workers + (4) maintenance workers 22 Marine tugboats 1
Worker 12 tuging boat 2
(7) workers + (1) maintenance workers 8 Service launch and mooring 3
(6) workers + (1) maintenance workers 7 Marine units of the Environmental Protection Department 4
(4) workers + (1) maintenance workers 5 body of water 5
Worker 2 Floating cranes 6
Worker 2 Purification marine unit 7
Worker 1 Rubber launch fiber glass 8


  • Gate 1: Emergency and closure.
  • Gate2: Iron and steel coal.
  • Gate3: Allocated for private cars mini buses and buses.
  • Gate4: Trucks entry.
  • Gate5-6: Trucks exit.
  • Gate7: Emergency and closure.
  • Gate8: Odd parcels.
  • Gate9: Administrative region gate.
  • Gate 10: A separating gate between administrative and customs regions.
  • Gate 11: Exists in front of Alexandria international containers company leading to the marine services region.
  • Gate 12: Emergency closure and closure leading to the Naval Forces.

Supply and Bunkering

  • Fresh water - foodstuffs - ration requirements.
  • Navigational tools and publications - operating fuel - supply ships.
  • Light fuel - diesel - diesel - engine oils.
  • Spare Parts - Free Zone for Supplies.
  • Reception of dirty or ballast water - waste.
  • Fumigation - liquefied gas stations.
  • Cleaning fee - air transportation.
  • Machine supplies.

Security, Safety and Environmental Preservation Properties

  • Security.
  • Safety Service.
  • Rescue OPeration.
  • Medical capabilities.
  • Fire Fighting.
  • Pollution Combating.
AddressDekheila Port Authority (Affiliated to Alexandria Port Authority) 106 El-Horreya Avenue.
Telephone 03/4460124 to 4460126 (3 Lines) - 03/4460130
Fax03- 4460151