Affiliated Company:

General Petroleum Corporation – Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation.


  • 60 km away from martyr Ahmed Hamdi tunnel of the southwest of “Sidr” City, east of the Gulf of Suez”.
  • An imaginary line continuing between point (A) and point (B), then the perpendicular direction 90 is correct from each of the points A and B, respectively, to the coast at high tide.
32º 42.30 E29º 34.60 NA
32º 42.27 E29º 34.87 NB

Port activity:

Peception and stevedoring of oil tankers.

Port Data:

– Port capacity:One to two tankers per month that receive oil tankers of up to 11,000 tons with a draft of 26 feet
– Port creation date:1951
– Decision No. to establish:Pursuant to Royal Decree No. 22 of 1948 in September 1948 and Law No. 112 of 1985
– Port licensing decision:Minister of Transport Decision No. 555 of 2012
– license term:1/10/2012 through 9/30/2022
– Total area of the port:1.5 x 1.5 km
– Maritime area:34455,62 m
– land area:22839,92 m