Obtaining an entry permit to the customs offices of the portsService Title
General Department of SecurityAdministration Providing the Service
Mr. / Mohamed Sabry MohamedName of Employee
in Charge
Via the electronic portal for maritime transport services
E-mail: emdb@mts.gov.eg – contact@mts.gov.eg
(during official working hours) Phone: 03/4435274 – 03/4435275
To receive inquiries after the official working hours, please call the previous numbers provided that they will be answered the next day during the official working hours
Administration Contact Info.
Ministerial Decrees No. 928/2018Service Pricing Decree
Issuing the endorsement of the Maritime Transport & Logistics Sector for the employees of shipping agencies and companies working in the field of maritime transport to obtain and renew annual permits for entry and boarding of ships at port facilities (all ports of the ARE – Suez Canal Corridor Ports “SCCP” – Alexandria sea port) and follow up on the payment of the prescribed fees thereof.Service Type
     In case of companies operating in the activities of maritime agency

  • A certified application stamped with the company’s seal in the name of RADM / Head of the Maritime Transport & Logistics Sector indicating (the name – the national identity card number) of the person(s) for person(s) whom permit(s) are to be issued, the nature of the company’s activity and the port(s) to be entered.
  • A valid copy of the license issued to the company to carry out the activities of maritime agency
  • A valid copy of the national ID card for person(s) whom permit(s) are to be issued

In Case of Companies Owning Marine Units

  • A certified application stamped with the company’s seal in the name of RADM / Head of the Maritime Transport & Logistics Sector, indicating the (name – national ID number) of the person(s) for person(s) whom permit(s) are to be issued, the nature of the company’s activity and the port(s) to be entered.
  • A valid copy of (registration certificates for the units affiliated to the company), provided that they are registered in the company’s name
  •  A valid copy of the Armed Forces Operations Authority approval for the company’s marine units to operate in the authorized work areas.
  •  A valid copy of the national ID card for person(s) whom permit(s) are to be issued.

In case of classification Societies and inspection, audit and damage assessment companies, and companies conducting devices and equipment maintenance operations

  • A certified application stamped with the company’s seal in the name of RADM / Head of the Maritime Transport & Logistics Sector, indicating the (name – national ID number) of the person(s) for person(s) whom permit(s) are to be issued, the nature of the company’s activity and the port(s) to be entered.
  • A valid copy of the enlistment in the port workers registry     (Decree no. 800).
  • A copy of the issued ministerial decree regarding the classification societies whose certificates are recognized with regard to determining the degree of eligibility and certificates issuing.
  • A valid copy of the national ID card for person(s) whom permit(s) are to be issued.

In case of companies operating in the field of marine and ship supplies

  • A certified application stamped with the company’s seal in the name of RADM / Head of the Maritime Transport & Logistics Sector, indicating the (name – national ID number) of the person(s) for person(s) whom permits are to be issued, the nature of the company’s activities and the port(s) to be entered.
  • A valid copy of the license to practice activities issued by the affiliated port authorities
  • A valid copy of the national ID card for the whom permits are to be issued

In case of companies licensed to practice diving activities

  • A certified application stamped with the company’s seal in the name of RADM / Head of the Maritime Transport & Logistics Sector, indicating the (name – national ID number) of the person(s) for person(s) whom permit(s) are to be issued, the nature of the company’s activities and the port(s) to be entered.
  • A valid copy of the approval of the Armed Forces Operations Authority on the company’s diving activities in the authorized work areas
  • A valid copy of the license issued to the company to practice diving activities
Required Documents
  1. To submit an application on The Egyptian Maritime Transport & Logistics Sector Services Portal
  2. How to create a new user account on The Egyptian Maritime Transport & Logistics Sector Services Portal
  3. Assistance video for submitting an application for issuing permits to individuals
User’s Guide


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