Obtaining an entry permit to the customs offices of the ports | Service Title | |
General Department of Security | Administration Providing the Service | |
Mr. / Mohamed Sabry Mohamed | Name of Employee in Charge | |
Via the electronic portal for maritime transport services El-Wardian E-mail: emdb@mts.gov.eg – contact@mts.gov.eg (during official working hours) Phone: 03/4435274 – 03/4435275 To receive inquiries after the official working hours, please call the previous numbers provided that they will be answered the next day during the official working hours | Administration Contact Info. | |
Ministerial Decrees No. 928/2018 | Service Pricing Decree | |
Issuing the endorsement of the Maritime Transport & Logistics Sector for the employees of shipping agencies and companies working in the field of maritime transport to obtain and renew annual permits for entry and boarding of ships at port facilities (all ports of the ARE – Suez Canal Corridor Ports “SCCP” – Alexandria sea port) and follow up on the payment of the prescribed fees thereof. | Service Type | |
| Required Documents | |
User’s Guide |
- Maritime Single Window
- Maritime Legislation
- Yachts Single Window
- Diving Works License
- Dumping Licenses
- Marine Pier License
- Specialized port license
- Individuals Permission Request
- Wireless Device licensing
- Coastal Transport License Request
- EMDB Services
- Ship Guidance Committee
- Shipping agency licensing
- Services Tariff for The Shipping Agencies