Granting licenses for commercial diving in Egyptian portsService Title
Central Department for Ports AffairsAdministration Providing the Service
Ms. Sahar Ahmed Abdel Hamid NafehName of Employee
in Charge
Via the electronic portal for maritime transport services
Phone: 03/4435274 – 03/4435275 (during official working hours)
To receive inquiries after the official working hours, please call the previous numbers provided that they will be answered the next day during the official working hours
Administration Contact Info.
  • Ministerial Decree No. (466) of 2018
  • Resolution of the Maritime Transport & Logistics Sector Licensing Committee held on 7/2/2019
Service Pricing Decree
  1. Submission of the licensing form after filling in by the companies applying for a license to practice commercial diving activities. Attached therewith is an application submitted in the name of Rear Admiral / Head of the Maritime Transport & Logistics Sector, explaining the nature and type of diving activities for which a license is required.
  2. Required documents for issuing licenses:
  • Company data (name / address/company phone no.(s) / name of the manager in charge and criminal record thereof, for the benefit of the Maritime Transport & Logistics Sector/name of the quality control officer and his experience certificates / name of the occupational safety and health officer and his experience certificates)
  • The company’s articles of incorporation including the activity for which a license is required.
  • The company’s capital declaration (not less than 750, 000 L.E off- coast, and 500,000 L.E within- coast)
  • Permanent company headquarters address and documents thereof (ownership / lease contract).
  • The organizational structure of the company including :
    -Employees of all degrees
    -Experience documentation of senior management positions occupants
    Social insurance for divers; noting that the Diving Team Within-Coast must consist of:  (3 divers + a diving supervisor), and the Offshore Diving Team consists of (4 divers + diving supervisor) with the submission of commercial diving professional identity cards issued to divers from The Egyptian Authority for the Safety of Maritime Navigation according to their qualification certificates.
  1. Approvals of the competent security agencies (the Armed Forces Operations Authority Authority).
  2. An official extract from the commercial register verifying the company’s activities for which a license is required.
  3. A copy of the tax registration card showing the company’s activities for which a license is required.
  4. Foreign workers, who will be employed, and their data as well as the foreign partners, if any, and security approvals thereof.
  5. How to create a new user account A declaration of the license applicant’s ownership of operating equipment, the value of which is not less than 250,000 L.E for a license to practice off-shore activities and 55,000 L.E for a license to practice within-coast activities.
  6. A declaration of the equipment owned by the company, stating its specifications (type / quantity / factory serial / year of manufacture / extent of its efficiency), and an undertaking sealed by the company stating that the mentioned equipment is in the possession of the company, specifying storage address.
  7. Certificates of periodic inspection of diving equipment included in the documents provided and owned by the company and the periodic maintenance plan thereof.
  8. In case of working off- coast, a protocol is required between the company and another party that can provide the necessary pressure chamber to aid divers when needed. (Such as hospitals affiliated to the Navy).
  9. The company’s ISO certificates
  10. Within- coast:
    Quality Control Certificate 9001/2015
  11. (Quality Control Certificate 9001
  12. Environment Certificate 14001
  13. Occupational Safety and Health Certificate 45001).
  14. The training program for divers over the course of a full year (stating a specific year) with an indication of the place for training divers(within /outside the company).
  15. A letter of guarantee for the benefit of The Maritime Transport & Logistics Sector, valued at:
    – (35,000 L.E) for work performed within coast
    – (50,000 L.E) for work performed off-coast.
Required Documents
  • Issuing commercial diving licenses for companies to practice commercial diving in Egyptian ports.
  • Renewing licenses issued to companies to practice commercial diving in Egyptian ports.
  • Annually reviewing data submitted by companies, whether they are annually updated or changed by the companies.
Service Type
  1. To submit a request on the Egyptian Maritime Transport & Logistics Sector Services Portal
  2. Licensing requirements for commercial diving companies on/off the coast
  3. For more details (submitting a diving license application)
  4. How to create a new user account on the Egyptian Maritime Transport & Logistics Sector Services Portal
User’s Guide

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