ILO Conventions ratified by Egypt:
No. | Convention Name | Date of Entry into force |
1 | Seamen’s Articles of Agreement Convention 1926 | 4/8/1982 |
2 | Repatriation of Seamen Convention 1926 | 4/8/1982 |
3 | Shipowners’ Liability (Sick & Injured Seamen) Convention 1936 | 4/8/1982 |
4 | Sickness Insurance (Sea) Convention 1936 | 4/8/1982 |
5 | Food Catering ( Ships’ Crews ) Convention 1946 | 10/8/1982 |
6 | Certification of Ships’ Cooks Convention 1936 | 4/8/1982 |
7 | Seafarers’ Pensions Convention 1946 | 4/8/1982 |
8 | Accommodation of Crews Convention (revised) 1949 | 4/8/1982 |
9 | Prevention of Accidents( Seafarers ) Convention 1970 | 4/8/1982 |
10 | Dock Work Convention 1973 | 4/8/1982 |
11 | Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards) Convention 1976 | 17/3/1983 |
12 | Occupational Safety and Health (Dock Work) Convention 1979 | 3/8/1988 |
13 | Repartition of Seafarers Convention (Revised) 1987 | 28/5/2004 |
14 | Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006) | 7/6/2024 |
** The following agreements have been cancelled:
- Placing of Seamen Convention, 1920.
- Officers’ Competency Certificates Convention 1936.
- Medical Examination (Seafarers) Convention 1946.
- Certification of Able Seamen Convention 1946.
- Continuity of Employment (Seafarers) Convention 1976.
The Maritime Labor Convention 2006 and its amendments Supersedes the provisions of those agreements.