ILO Conventions ratified by Egypt:

No.Convention NameDate of Entry into force
1Seamen’s  Articles of Agreement Convention 19264/8/1982
2Repatriation of Seamen Convention 19264/8/1982
3Shipowners’ Liability (Sick & Injured Seamen) Convention 19364/8/1982
4Sickness Insurance (Sea)  Convention 19364/8/1982
5Food Catering ( Ships’ Crews ) Convention 194610/8/1982
6Certification of  Ships’ Cooks Convention 19364/8/1982
7Seafarers’ Pensions Convention 19464/8/1982
8Accommodation of Crews Convention (revised) 19494/8/1982
9Prevention of  Accidents( Seafarers ) Convention 19704/8/1982
10Dock Work Convention 19734/8/1982
11Merchant Shipping (Minimum   Standards) Convention 197617/3/1983
12Occupational Safety and Health (Dock Work) Convention 19793/8/1988
13Repartition of  Seafarers Convention (Revised) 198728/5/2004
14Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006)7/6/2024

** The following agreements have been cancelled:

    1. Placing of Seamen Convention, 1920.
    2. Officers’ Competency Certificates Convention 1936.
    3. Medical Examination (Seafarers) Convention 1946.
    4. Certification of Able Seamen Convention 1946.
    5. Continuity of Employment (Seafarers) Convention 1976.

The Maritime Labor Convention 2006 and its amendments Supersedes the provisions of those agreements.

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