Mediterranean protection

No.Convention FormalitiesIssue DateRatification Date
1Protecting Mediterranean from pollution convention19761987
2Protocol concerning protecting Mediterranean from pollution resulting from vessel and planes waste sewage1976
3Protocol for cooperation preventing polluting Mediterranean with oil and other materials in case of emergencies19761987
4Protocol concerning protecting Mediterranean from being polluted through land resources19801983
5protocols for protecting regions enjoying special protection19841988

Red Sea protection

 No.Convention FormalitiesIssue DateRatification Date
1Red Sea environment and Aden Gulf protection convention and protocol19821990
2Regional cooperation protocol for combating pollution by oil and other hazardous substances in case of emergencies19821990

Port’s state memorandum of understanding

NOConvention formalitiesIssue DateRatification Date
1PSC memorandum of understanding for countries East and south the Mediterranean19972000

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